More recently, we got a glimpse of Aloy’s fellow Nora tribesman, Varl riding machines and infiltrating ancient structures with the redheaded protagonist. Hoping to give players more time with the world’s characters this time around, Guerrilla lets players interact with many of the first game’s recognizable faces, including the Oseram settlement head Petra and Talanah, leader of the Carja Hunters Lodge. Here, the developers revealed Erend, a lively and loyal Oseram warrior who befriended Aloy in Zero Dawn, is working with her again. Last year, we got our first glimpse at Horizon Forbidden West’s gameplay during a dedicated State of Play. Aloy travels to the titular Forbidden West to figure out what is causing a famine-inducing red blight and destructive weather patterns. In the upcoming title, Aloy navigates unfamiliar terrain, both physically as she explores new landscapes on her westward trek and psychologically as she deals with the side effects of her newfound fame. For instance, what initiated the threatening program in the first place? The game’s ending gave us a lot of answers about the world and the origin of its animal-like robots, but it also left us with questions.

The inhuman foe, an ancient AI program capable of unimaginable destruction, began taking control of once-friendly machines, making them hostile. Once an outcast to her people, Aloy brought disparate neighboring tribes together to defend against a common threat in Zero Dawn. If you are trying to avoid details on the original game’s plot, be warned there are minor spoilers below for Aloy’s first adventure. And though the developer states you can enjoy Horizon Forbidden West without playing Zero Dawn, we don’t recommend it. The sequel picks up a few months after its predecessor, and if you haven’t played it, we highly suggest you do. Some games don’t require you to play the previous title before jumping into the follow-up.